Lost key

Lost key

A lost key is still a key!


A lost key may not be able to open any doors at the moment, but it still has the potential to do so. All it needs is to be found or found again.

The same is true of potential. We all have potential things we could be doing or achieving but are not.

Finding our lost potential is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, effort, and self-belief. But it is a journey that is well worth taking. When we find our potential, we unlock our true selves and our ability to make a difference in the world.

This may involve stepping outside of our comfort zone, trying new things, and failing forward. Failure is a part of life, and it’s how I learn and grow, but it is worth it, because once we find our potential, we can start to live our best lives.

#humanpotential #encouragement


Branding ideas

Branding ideas

Branding Ideas

A cake shop uses the rooftop to place its identity—such a creative placement, given that it’s on the ground floor and visible from the three floors.


Building a brand is a rope walk, and we learn from other brands how innovation can be a game changer, This would not have cost anything apart from printing

What are your thoughts on brand association and creative placement of identity?


#branding #marketingcommunications #identitydesign


Imagination is essential for creativity. Artists, writers, musicians, and inventors all use their imaginations to create new and innovative work

Images and Imagination

Images and Imagination

These are two of the most powerful forces in human life. They shape the way we see ourselves, the world around us, and our future possibilities.

Images are visual representations of things that exist or could exist. They can be a photograph,painting, or abstract, such as a symbol or metaphor. Images can be created intentionally, such as by an artist or designer, or they can be unintentional, such as a mental image that pops into our heads; that’s imagination.

That is what my 13-year-old created using Lego; it’s an engine he imagined

Imagination is the ability to create mental images or ideas that do not yet exist in the real world. It is the ability to see beyond what is and what could be. It is essential for creativity, problem-solving, and dreaming.

Images and imagination are intertwined in many ways. Images can stimulate our imagination, and our imagination can help us create new images.

Like looking at a painting of a beautiful landscape, it can inspire us to imagine ourselves exploring that landscape. Or, reading a science fiction novel can inspire us to imagine new technologies and ways of life.

Images can help us learn and remember information. As students, we are more likely to remember a concept if we have seen a visual representation of it.

Imagination is essential for creativity. Artists, writers, musicians, and inventors all use their imaginations to create new and innovative works.